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Supporting Families Since 1994

Supporting Families with Their Wealth & Retirement Success

At Braestone Family Wealth, we are a team of financial professionals supporting individuals and families. Our services are designed to help you live your vision, bringing you peace of mind. Our business name encompasses two things. Brae, meaning hillside which represents our team's ability to view the entire landscape to uncover your vision and goals. The stone is what comes next to create a solid foundation - your plan.


We are committed to guiding you through all of your life’s transitions and challenges, creating a solid comprehensive wealth strategy to achieve your retirement goals and to look after your family for generations to come. We do this by helping you See the big picture, where you are today and what you want your future to look like. We then Build a personalized plan, including portfolio construction, tax and estate strategies. We continuously manage your plan throughout your life and make adjustments when required so you can Live life to the fullest.


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Market Outlook

A look at this week's market overview and forecasting.

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Rock Balancing
Happy Family in Nature

Learn more about the long-standing history of our experienced advisors and what our business represents.

Embrace your future and provide for your family’s security through our customized process and services.

Check out some of the challenges that we have addressed with clients and what opportunities were uncovered.
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